Get RACEapp+

RACEapp+ allows you to easily request the specialty of your choice in one easy step—no more listening to the list of specialties on the telephone and writing down patient demographics. It allows you to enter patient demographics while requesting advice, ensuring the phone conversation is focused solely on the patient.

Download RACEapp+ for free

Access RACEapp+ on your desktop

You can access RACEapp+ through your web browser at

The desktop RACEapp+ is available on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

What is RACEapp+?

RACEapp+ is an online application where primary care providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, midwives, and medical residents) can:

  • log into an account

  • scroll through a list of specialty services

  • tap on the specialty you want to connect with

  • generate a request to receive specialist advice within two hours

The app makes the RACE experience more user-friendly for physicians and improves the sharing of patient information between specialists and family physicians. Pertinent patient information is collected through the app and available to view later for billing. Users can add a professional photo to their profiles, and specialists can add a note for personal documentation purposes. Specialists receive notifications on their phones about RACE requests, including the time when a call is due back by.

Both the primary care provider and specialist involved in a RACE interaction can mark a request as completed when they have connected. The primary care provider can cancel a request if they no longer need advice from the specialist.

The majority of RACE requests are answered within 2 hours. If the request is not answered after two hours, a text message is sent out to remind users.

The app exists as a facilitator for calls. The interaction remains voice-to-voice.

If you have feedback about the app you would like to share or suggestions for future app updates, please reach out to the RACE admin team at

This service is invaluable!

On many occasions, timely access to information provided by specialists means we can often manage/treat without a visit to the ED, and sometimes without a referral to a specialist.

—Sheila Turris, Nurse Practitioner